OXFORD — The public is cordially invited to attend Oxford County Soil & Water Conservation District’s Annual Meeting and Luncheon on Saturday, Jan. 25, 2025 (snow date Feb. 1) at the Oxford Rec Center in Oxford. The Annual Meeting celebrates the accomplishments of the district, its volunteers, and its community partners over the past year.
It is also an opportunity for the public to come and see what it does in the community, as well as enjoy a good meal and learn something new. Beginning at 12:30 p.m., there will be time for visiting, followed by a lunch of crowd-favorite comfort foods, entertainment, and awards.
All proceeds from this event go towards supporting our programs, including providing environmental education opportunities to families and protecting clean water and healthy soil in Oxford County.
The speaker for the afternoon will be Private Lands Wildlife Biologist Joseph Roy, with the ME Dept. of Inland Fish and Wildlife. Joe will be giving a presentation on the basics of wildlife habitat. Learn how to improve habitat and attract wildlife to your own backyard! As a bonus, four lucky participants will win a bag of seed mix to start their own wildlife food plot.
Award presentations will be made in the following categories:
• Conservation Inspired Engineer of the Year
• Partnership in Education
• Volunteer of the Year
• Photo Contest Winners
Spots must be reserved in advance. For more information and to reserve a seat(s), visit the website at bit.ly/OCSWCDMeeting24. Seats may also be reserved by calling 207-744-3119, or by emailing oxfordcountyswcd@gmail.com. Please RSVP by Jan. 20, 2025, for an interesting and enjoyable evening. OCSWCD is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
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