STATE — After months of thoughtful reflection and dialogue, effective December 31, 2024, Maine Youth Action (MYA) will merge with Maine Youth for Climate Justice (MYCJ). All legislative advocacy efforts MYA facilitated will continue under MYCJ. MYA will also maintain its plaintiff status in the lawsuit against the Maine Department of Environmental Protection. Additional positions will be created at MYCJ, including a Clean Transportation Advocate and another to conduct outreach efforts for DivestMaine.

We are incredibly proud of the impact Maine Youth Action has generated over the course of its three-plus years of advocacy. Whether advancing goals to reduce transportation emissions, championing constitutionally protected environmental rights, or fighting for public power, we have strived to demonstrate the power of youth in politics. Young Mainers are the backbone of our campaigns, legislative efforts, and statewide conversations, so we are forever grateful to serve as a voice for such a crucial constituency. We hope MYA members will join us as we continue our advocacy under MYCJ.

The youth climate movement extends beyond Maine Youth Action. It is about the thousands of young Mainers who band together to shift the Overton window in our politics to make bold and lasting change. It will always, therefore, be the first and foremost priority to constantly improve the health and strength of our movement. As such, we find it in the best interest of all to merge our organizations, consolidate resources, and champion key issues — together. This move will reinvigorate and fundamentally shape the landscape, all for the better.

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