LEWISTON — SeniorsPlus will offer the following classes in January. Classes are held in person at its Lewiston, Wilton, or Norway locations; online; or hybrid. Class locations are 8 Falcon Road, Lewiston; 9 Marston St., Norway; and 284 Main St., Suite 100, Wilton. Classes are free unless noted. Locations are fully accessible. Hearing assistive equipment is available upon request. For more information or to register, call 207-795-4010 or visit seniorsplus.org.
Exercise Classes
Chair Yoga In-Person and Zoom
Days/time: Tuesdays, 9–10 a.m.
Days/time: Fridays, 9–10 a.m.
Instructor: Mary Bishop, RYT
Location: In person at Education Center, 8 Falcon Road, and Zoom
Cost: $5 per class. Payments are to be exchanged directly with Mary.
Must-haves: If on Zoom: computer, laptop, or tablet; sturdy chair on a non-slip surface. If in person, then just yourself.
Join Mary for this class offered both in person and on Zoom. It is designed to help with ease of movement and breath; finding stability, balance, and strength through yoga poses with variations for every ability. Drop in to see if this class is right for you. Classes are ongoing. Please call for access to Zoom link.
Oxford County
Wowzitude! ‘Armchair Travel’
— Festive Lights: Last Night of Hanukkah in Jerusalem
Date: Thursday, January 2 at 11 a.m.
— Wonders of Winter: Krakow, Poland Holiday Market
Date: Tuesday, January 7 at 2 p.m.
— Mystery Destinations
Dates: Thursdays, January 9, 16, 23, and 30 at 11 a.m.
— Discover Arequipa, Peru: The White City in Focus
Date: Tuesday, January 14 at 2 p.m.
No Wowzitude
Date: Tuesday, January 21 – Join us for Table Games, 1–3 p.m.
— Mystery Destination
Date: Tuesday, January 28 at 2 p.m.
Wowzitude’s Award-Winning Travel Club, designed for armchair travelers, takes you on live, guided virtual walks around the world from the comfort and safety of SeniorsPlus. Interactive, virtual live-streamed walking tours feature expert hosts and trained local guides eager to Zoom in and introduce us to their favorite spots. Destinations are subject to change. Walk-ins welcome.
Rock N’ Talk
Date: Friday, January 17
Time: 10 a.m.–noon
Instructor: Brittany Lorance
Location: SeniorsPlus Norway
Design rocks with a picture or phrase that inspires your mental health recovery journey. All welcome, all materials provided. Call to register.
Historical Society of Norway
Date: Tuesday, January 21
Time: 10–11:30 a.m.
Speaker: Sue Dennison, Curator/ Collection Manager, Norway Historical Society
Location: SeniorsPlus Norway
Join us for this lively presentation highlighting the Historical Society of Norway and see some of the interesting artifacts from the museum.
Table Games—Cribbage and More
Date: Tuesday, January 21, 1–3 p.m.
Location: SeniorsPlus Norway
Play cribbage, checkers, cards, or dominoes. Staff will be there to network and talk about our programs. Walk-ins welcome.
Advance Directives
Date: Thursday, January 23, 1–2:30 p.m.
Instructor: Andwell Health Partners
Location: SeniorsPlus Norway
Do you know that different options can be chosen for advance directives? This class will give you valuable information that can help you identify the best choices for you. Learn about advanced choices, living wills, surrogate decision-making, and more.
10 Tips for Healthy Eating Cooking Class
Date: Wednesday, January 29, 10:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Instructor: Stephanie Cordwell, Healthy Oxford Hills
Location: SeniorsPlus Norway
Join us for the first of this two-part class (second class February 26) to learn more about healthy cooking. The class will prepare and enjoy a light meal together.
Caregiver Groups and Resources
Caregiver Support Groups
Date: Thursday, January 23 (every fourth Thursday), 2:30–4 p.m.
Facilitator: Valerie Cole, LSW
Location: SeniorsPlus Norway
Caregiver Newsletter
SeniorsPlus offers a quarterly Caregiver Support Newsletter to share caregiver-specific resources and opportunities to those in need. If you or someone you know is in need of caregiver support and would like to receive the newsletter, please reach out.
Online Groups and Offerings
AT&T—Cyber Aware Webinar
Date/time: At your convenience
Presenter: AT&T staff
Location: Online video
Catch this pre-recorded Zoom class to learn more about online fraud and scams. This presentation is designed for people who are interested in learning statistics, recognizing scams, and what to do to protect themselves while online. Call or email SeniorsPlus to obtain link via email.
Fraud & Scams Prevention
Date/time: At your convenience
Location: Online video
Every year, one in 10 older adults falls victim to scams and fraud. The number is most likely higher because many are embarrassed and afraid to report it to the authorities or their families. This workshop will give you the information needed to protect yourself and your loved ones. Topic areas include Fraud Trends and Behavior, the Con Artist’s Playbook, Practice Spotting Fraud (using real examples), Prevention, and Resources. Content from AARP Fraud Watch Network. Call or email SeniorsPlus to obtain a link via email.
Cyber-Senior Mentors—A Tech Resource
Date/time: At your convenience
Presenter: Cyber-Senior
Location: Phone and/or online
Cyber-Senior Mentors provide technology training in the form of online webinars and telephone support for older adults. If you are interested in group or one-on-one technology support, please join in. Trained volunteers are standing by to answer your tech questions and also to help you sign up for online training sessions. Call Cyber Seniors at 1-844-217-3057.
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