DEAR SUN SPOTS: The AARP Foundation Tax-Aide line is set to provide free income tax preparation services for low- and moderate-income taxpayers for the 2024 filing season.
Beginning the week of Feb. 6, our experienced IRS-certified tax volunteers will be preparing and electronically filing federal and Maine income tax returns.
We will be working out of Sacred Heart Church at 8 Sacred Heart Place in Auburn. The church is at the corner of Minot and Western avenues.
The service is by appointment and all ages are welcome. You need not be a member of AARP to use this service.
Our appointment line is set to open Jan. 15. Appointments may be made by calling 207-513-3170 and leaving a message on our voicemail. Please be sure to clearly state your name — spell it if a difficult name. Then provide and repeat your telephone number.
Our scheduler will call you back to set up your appointment.
Be sure to have all your tax information ready for the date you choose.
We will also have a group of preparers who will prepare Maine Property and Sales Tax Credit returns over the telephone. Please check your paperwork from last year to make sure the only item we prepared for you was the 1040-ME. If so, we can do your return over the telephone, saving you a trip to the site.—No name, no town
ANSWER: Readers, thank you for your patience while the AARP Foundation Tax-Aide coordinator and the team have been getting everything ready for you. I will repeat this information a few times during tax season to be sure everyone who needs the service has an opportunity to see it and sign up.
DEAR SUN SPOTS: I am the person from Wales who could not get in to my Consolidated Communications email (Sun Spots, Dec. 30). After almost two weeks of calling every day and talking with a lady, I told her I was going to mail a letter to the president and CEO of Consolidated Communications.
That afternoon, I received a call from a technical support person. He talked me through the procedure, so I could finally read my email. I wrote it all down so I would be able to do it by myself. He told me I should clean out the cache. I am 80 years old and have no idea what that is. I asked my grandson, who is in his 30s, and he told me how to clean out the cache. Now my email works like it should. From now on, I will clean out the cache every month or so.—No name, no town
ANSWER: I must admit I would not know how to do that either, unless someone told me I needed to. Your persistence paid off. You should be very proud of yourself. Thank you for letting us know this has been resolved.
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