Fifth-grade teacher Kristalyn Phipps and 10-year-old Tammy Saunders, far left, carry a sign that reads “Washburn WinterKids” during Wednesday’s WinterKids opening ceremony at Washburn Elementary School in Auburn. Students and staff celebrated the start of a four-week competition with 15 other schools across Maine. The competition focuses on daily activities that include the theme of the event, “weather,” school Principal Meghan Wood said. Jason Labbe of Healthy Androscoggin spoke during the ceremony to remind students of the importance of getting outside during the winter months for health reasons. Daryn Slover/Sun Journal

The Bates College bobcat rallies students Wednesday during the WinterKids opening ceremony at Washburn Elementary School in Auburn. Students and staff celebrated the start of a four-week WinterKids competition with 15 other schools across Maine. The competition focuses on daily activities that include the theme of the event, “weather,” school Principal Meghan Wood. Jason Labbe of Healthy Androscoggin spoke during the ceremony to remind students of the importance of getting outside during the winter months for health reasons. Daryn Slover/Sun Journal

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