What a contrast: President Carter vs. President Trump.

An honest man vs. a dishonest one. A selfless person vs. a selfish one. A man who spent his life helping others vs. one who spent his life taking advantage of others.

A humble man vs. a braggart. A kind man vs. a cruel and boorish one. I could go on.

The man moving back into the White House is simply not trustworthy; one can’t believe a word he says. Say what one wants about Carter’s presidency, at least people could trust him to be straightforward and tell the truth. Carter was unfailingly honest to his own detriment; Trump is dishonest to our detriment.

As we face the next four years being led by a fundamentally untrustworthy man, when we hear the inevitably bad ideas he will propose, we must remember and repeat the oft-repeated (anti-drug) words of Nancy Reagan:

“Just say No.”

Richard S. Whiting, Auburn

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