DEAR SUN SPOTS: The library at Lewiston High School is looking for copies of the 1964 and 1965 yearbooks. They will be added to the archives at the school and the Lewiston Public Library.
Please contact or call 207-795-4100 if you have a copy you are willing to donate.—Marissa, no town
ANSWER: I bet some generous Sun Spotters will come to the rescue. Let us know what happens.
DEAR SUN SPOTS: I have two cameras to give away. One is a 1973 Kodak Pocket Instamatic 10 Camera with a Kodak Magicube Extender and a Flashcube in the original box.
I also have a 1988 Olympus Infinity SuperZoom 300 with carrying case and a 38-105 mm zoom lens. It is not a digital camera.—Linda, no town
ANSWER: The First Light Camera Club in Brunswick might be interested in the vintage cameras. See
If there are any Sun Spotters who are camera or photography hobbyists and interested in the cameras, write to me and I will connect you with Linda.
DEAR SUN SPOTS: I would like to remind my fellow “older people” about contractors who are not honest.
I recently had a plumbing issue and was home alone. I called a plumber and he said that for him to come to the house, it would cost $150 and must be paid on the spot.
He then told me the repair would cost between $4,000 and $6,000, and this was before he had come to my home to look at what might be wrong.
My son called him back and his story changed. He told my son he would be over the next day to check the job out, but still maintained it would cost the amount he had quoted me.
We hired someone else for the job because this plumber was quite pushy. When my son told him we had hired someone else to do the job, the plumber was furious and said that we definitely needed him for the job. He changed the estimate to $2,000 to $3,000 and said he could finish the work in one day.
I want to stress that when you are looking to hire someone to do repairs, please be careful. There are some shifty people in the world.
I realize now that this person was going to scam me. I made the mistake of telling him I was alone and needed my plumbing problem taken care of right away. All he saw were dollar signs. Be careful.—No name, no town
ANSWER: I am so sorry you were in this stressful situation. I have been there, and you are right about regretting that you said you were alone. It is better to give as little personal information as possible in such matters, especially if you do not know the other person.
I recommend that in such matters, older woman have a male family member, friend or neighbor make the first call. I know it sounds like a suggestion from the past, but there are times and circumstances when this is the wise thing to do.
It is common for plumbers to charge a fee to look at the job.
Moving forward, be sure to stand up for yourself, get a solid recommendation from someone you know, if possible, and obtain a written estimate before work begins.
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