DEAR SUN SPOTS: I want to ask if anyone is willing to trade a Yamaha keyboard for an acoustic piano. Please email me at — Sharon, no town
ANSWER: You never know what can happen in Sun Spots Land! Let us know.
DEAR SUN SPOTS: In this bitter cold, people are grateful for a little warmth. Donations of gloves, hand and foot warmers, adult coats, boots, hats, and sleeping bags go directly to our Day Shelter and Soup Kitchen guests at Trinity Jubilee Center at 247 Bates St. in Lewiston.
Donations to our heating fund will keep the shelter open and warm now and all winter long. Learn more on our website at and by reviewing our Amazon wish list at ( — No name, no town
ANSWER: If you work or volunteer for a nonprofit, never hesitate to list your needs in Sun Spots. People in the community want to help and are always looking for ways to do so.
DEAR SUN SPOTS: There will be a baked bean supper Saturday, Jan. 25, from 4:30-6 p.m. at Sixth St. Congregational Church, 109 Sixth St. in Auburn. The menu consists of two kinds of beans, brown bread, cole slaw, red and brown hot dogs, assorted casseroles, assorted desserts and beverages.
The cost of the meal is $10 for adults, $5 for children 5 to 12, and free for those under age 5. All are welcome and takeout is available. — Elizabeth, Auburn
ANSWER: I’m picturing a cozy, convivial time where everyone is well-fed and enjoying spending time with friends, old and new. Please support this church’s’ fundraising efforts if you can.
DEAR SUN SPOTS: Could you give me options for getting a passport in the Lewiston-Auburn area, along with the cost? I heard there was a local college where this can be done. — No name, no town
ANSWER: Central Maine Community College (CMCC) has a passport acceptance office. You need to book your appointment online at, or contact the agent if you need more information. Hours of operation are 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday. You’ll need to have a check or money order to pay for your passport and there is an additional fee for processing.
Another location you can go to is the Lewiston Post Office at 49 Ash St. The hours are 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 8:30-11:30 a.m. on Saturday.
If you call the post office at 783-7449, ext. 1, there is a recording stating the list of documents you need to bring. The cost of a passport is $130 with an additional processing fee of $35 that goes to U.S. Postal Service. If you need your passport to be expedited, there is an additional fee for that as well.
If you need more locations, just say the word.
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