DEAR SUN SPOTS: I am in search of someone who can make a custom cribbage board for a blind friend. It needs to be in a spiral design, with “eyelet rivets” on all the holes. I have a board that the maker can view to see what I have in mind.

Additionally, is there anyone who could make Braille labels for the numbers, skunk, and double skunk? A set of rules in Braille would also be helpful. I need this by the middle of March. — Nancy, no town

ANSWER: There are so many talented woodworkers and crafters in the area. Surely, one of them will see this and know how to proceed to make your wish come true. Or perhaps someone has this special item and they are no longer using it.

You could try sending Maine Woodworkers ( a message on Facebook to make your request and see if anyone responds.

If you strike out with having the board made locally, there is an organization called The Carroll Center for the Blind ( that carries many products for the visually impaired, including cribbage boards for $55.

Another company is Vision Forward ( Their cribbage board is $45.


Perkins School for the Blind can also help  with this product: They will most likely carry the Braille rules as well.

Etsy ( is also a great place to shop for a hand-crafted cribbage board for folks with special needs.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: I am hoping to find a former church pew made of solid oak, preferably of simple design. I’m wondering if there are any available in this area. Thank you for getting the word out. I check Craig’s List from time to time. — No name, Minot

ANSWER: Facebook Marketplace is another good place to check, as is Etsy and eBay. When I typed “church pews” into Facebook Marketplace, quite a few pews came up that are in New Hampshire and Massachusetts in the $60-$600 price range.

Locally, check vintage and antique stores and auction houses. Those I have in the Rolodex, are Daniel B. Soules (407-1444) at Daniel Buck Auctions, Inc. ( at 501 Lisbon St. in Lisbon Falls and Jim Talbot at Charles M. Talbot Associates, located at 55 Poplar Hill Road in Turner ( The number is 225-3797 or you can email him at

Other antique dealers in the area are Route 26 Antiques at 1188-3 Main St. in Oxford (744-0232), and Cabot Mill Antiques at Fort Andross, 14 Main St. in Brunswick (, and Orphan Annie’s in Auburn ( , 782-0638). If they don’t have a pew for you now, they may know a place where you can get one and will be on the lookout for you.

Of course, it would be so awesome if a reader has one they are willing to sell or give to you or know of a church that is having pews removed. Let’s see what happens!

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