West Paris Water District trustees meet Jan. 19 at their office at 141 Bethel Road. From left are Treasurer Sonya Tardif, Chairman Brandon Ballweber, Clerk David Walton, Secretary/office clerk Clairluz Perez Lisboa and Superintendent Bill Gardner. Nicole Carter/Advertiser Democrat

WEST PARIS — The West Paris Water District hopes a bank loan will be approved this month to pay for financial audits going back to 2021 and a utility truck, tools and other equipment.

At their meeting Jan. 19, Treasurer Sonya Tardif told trustees the application to Androscoggin Savings Bank is for $111,000. Trustees voted to apply for the it during an emergency meeting Dec. 15.

A $30,000 grant through the Drinking Water Program is also pending.

Superintendent Bill Gardner is also pursuing other grant opportunities for water improvement and disadvantaged communities.

He told trustees he has advised the state to revoke the former district operator’s license based on evidence of falsified lab reports and bacteria samples.

Meanwhile, the district is advertising for an operator.


Gardner has spent time with one promising candidate, showing him the systems and maintenance needed, but said the $15 per hour pay is an obstacle to him taking the job.

Trustee Chairperson Brandon Ballweber thought the pay range is listed as $18-$22 per hour, but the job post lists $15 per hour to start.

“You really need to look at $20-25 an hour,” Gardner said. “This person is responsible for people’s health and safety in their drinking water.”

“If this gentleman is a good fit,” Tardif said, “we need to offer him enough money to take the job. And figure it into our rate case.”

Gardner has brought numerous issues to light since last year.

He was hired at the recommendation of state officials following a boil-water order announced in April 2024 that continued for four months.


The order came after the cover of the town’s water reservoir was found to have tears and holes. Samples taken in June 2024 showed West Paris’ drinking water had E.coli contamination. A month later elevated copper levels were also detected. The boil-water order was lifted in August.

In her treasurer’s report, Tardif provided current balances for district accounts: Holding $1,005.17; construction $1,517.78; operating $3,367.55 with an available balance of $1,9071.70; debt $6,531.25; and contingency $1,370.38. She said there is $16,000 in accounts receivable that are 60 or more days past due.

Gardner said the normal recourse for unpaid balances would be to shut off accounts but he advised against it, given the issues customers have had to deal with over the past few years leading up to boil-water order. He also questioned if shutting lines off in the antiquated system would lead to more problems.

Tardif said she and district Secretary Clariluz Perez Lisboa are working on a new budget and organizing previous yearly finances. She said there are few records since 2018.

Downing offered to work with Perez Lisboa to improve advance notice of trustee meetings with social media and posting announcements.

Starting Feb. 6, meetings will be held at 6 p.m. the first Thursday of each month at the Town Office, 25 Kingsbury St.

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