RANGELEY — The RSU78 Board of Education met at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 14 at the Rangeley Lakes Regional School.

The meeting opened with an audit presentation from RHR Smith & Company. The 2024 fiscal year audit went smoothly and there were no comments to bring forth.

Board Chair Dr. Mary Richards welcomed the board and staff back after the December break and wished everyone a happy and healthy new year. Richards also shared that the 2025-2026 school budget process is underway.

Superintendent Georgia Campbell shared that the emergency response team has been meeting weekly for the past month and a half to update the district Emergency Operations Plan. The plan should be before the board in February. Thank you to Fire Chief Mike Bacon, Police Chief Richard Caton IV, Seth Laliberte, Lindsey Savage, Jeff LaRochelle and Kim Dolbier for their hard work. RLRS staff, board members, and family were invited to join in the live weather broadcast from WMTW Channel 8 with meteorologist Ted McInerney starting at 5:40 a.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 15. Hot chocolate, coffee, and snacks were provided by Classic Provisions. Later that morning, McInerney also gave a “behind the scenes” presentation of the news station to students in K-5. It was an early start to a great day! Lastly, Campbell shared that she will be attending the Maine School Superintendents Association Winter Convocation, and reiterated the budget process for the 2025-2026 school year had begun.

Principal Seth Laliberte shared that four RLRS students were honored at Foster Tech as students of the quarter. These awards are voted on by their peers. Ski Tuesday had begun earlier in the week with students in K-2. Mr. Laliberte reminded students/parents to do a pre-approved absence form if you plan to dismiss non-Ski Tuesday students so they can ski at the mountain. There was discussion about an appropriate way to acknowledge all that Saddleback does for the school community. More information to come.

Student Representative Audrey Sutherland (class of 2027) shared that the winter movie themed door decoration contest before the break was a fun time. WinterKids was officially underway, and high school advisory groups are working on the winter weather meme as part of the WinterKids requirements.

Committee reports included updates from the Finance Committee – current budget is on track and gearing up for the budget cycle; Facilities Committee – Vortex will come and scope the lines in February. White bus undercoating is scheduled for the spring (in between ski and baseball/softball seasons), paving will be done in the summer and hopefully costs will be shared with the new childcare center.

There were no appointments, nominations or resignations.

The board approved a school calendar for the 2025-2026 school year. This was the calendar recommended by the Rangeley Teachers Association and the school administration. The approved calendar stays within the 5 allowed dissimilar days for Foster Tech and allows staff and students a “soft start” on Wednesday, August 27, 2025. Graduation is scheduled for June 6, 2026.

Assistant coaches stipends were unanimously approved, which will help in recruitment and retention of qualified coaching staff for RLRS athletics.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:27 p.m.

The next RSU 78 Board of Education meeting will be at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 11, at the Rangeley Lakes Regional School in the multi-purpose room.

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