Donald Trump may have started about 10 years ago to find dedicated followers. He became a master at brainwashing by his repetition of lies and untruths. He continually praised his Republican Party for believing in him and choosing him as their leader.

He covered his guilt of wrongdoings by repeatedly claiming the courts and the Democrats are doing their damnedest with their ongoing “witch hunt” to hurt him and the entire Republican Party. In time, he convinced them the Democrats were evil and doing their best to take credit for all good happenings in America.

We can blame the belief of his untruths for the end of our great America, because it ended the bipartisanship that made America great. Without the parties working together, America is rapidly losing global respect.

Sadly, it’s become obvious that the former enemies of Russia, North Korea and China are no longer the real enemies. They have been replaced by the Democrats.

The final death of a great America will come soon. Loss of bipartisanship and the hypocrisy of his MAGA movement by brainwashing has already opened his door.

Dictatorship is already apparent.

Rene Brochu, Jay

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