Landon O’Neil, Lynda Feins and Mason Abbott take part in a WinterKids weather activity. Rangeley Lakes Regional School is one of 16 schools across the state competing cash prizes, including a $5,000 prize for the top-ranking school. (Submitted photo)

RANGELEY — Rangeley Lakes Regional School is participating in the WinterKids Winter Games for another year of outdoor education, fun and a chance to win $5,000 for their school. This year’s focus is all about weather, specifically temperature, precipitation, wind and clouds.  The first weeks were packed with activities including guest speakers, family and friends lunch, family skate night and Channel 8 News Weather at Your School Live where students gathered at 5:40am to broadcast the weather report with meteorologist Ted McInerney.  The games continue through Feb. 7.  Stay tuned for more updates from the WinterKids of Rangeley.

Rangeley Lakes Regional School student Claire Hayden takes part in a WinterKids activity at Rangeley Lakes Regional School. (Submitted photo)

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