Members of the Fayette Planning Board recently celebrated Jed Davis’s retirement after decades of service to the town. Left to right: Diane Polky, Jessica Leighton [back], Roy Krout, Mary Ann Hayes [back], Jed Davis, Belinda Bothwick, Jon Shink, Greg Delapp, and Gene Matthews. Submitted photo
Town Manager Mark Robinson noted that a farewell celebration had been held during Davis’ final Planning Board meeting. “His hallmark of service is that residents and property owners have gone through a professionally managed process of site location and approval for various projects they applied for through the town,” Robinson said.
Davis, an attorney based in Augusta, began his municipal service in Fayette after moving there in the 1970s. He moved away in 1979, and the town saw several managers until Robinson’s appointment in 2004. Davis returned in 2007 to serve on the Planning Board.
In other board news, Diane Polky, previously an alternate member, was appointed as a full-time Planning Board member. Gene Matthews, who moved to Fayette three years ago and has been attending meetings, was appointed as an alternate. Matthews called his involvement a learning process, saying, “I was lost. I have no experience in municipalities, but this could be interesting.”
The Planning Board appointed Belinda Bothwick as the new chair.
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