Dear Sun Spots: I’ve read and enjoyed your column for many years and never thought that I would write to ask for your response.

During the Regan administration in the late 1980s, Lt. Col. Oliver North was testifying in the Iran-Contra hearings. What has happened to Col. North and where is he now? – Roland C. Cyr, Lewiston.

According to his editor at Creators Syndicate in Los Angeles, Oliver North is currently in Baghdad and files his columns with Creators Syndicate. You can find his column online at or also at The Washington Times online at

North is best known for the role he played in carrying out President Reagan’s orders to support freedom and democracy in Central America. According to, North is the chief executive officer of Guardian Technologies International, a Virginia-based manufacturer of protective equipment for law enforcement. He is also the president of Freedom Alliance, a non-profit foundation dedicated to promoting the principles of individual liberty, a strong defense and traditional morality in national policy. His decorations for courage and bravery include: the Silver Star, The Bronze Star with a “V” for Valor, two Purple Hearts and three Navy Commendation Medals.

Dear Sun Spots: I am looking to buy an adult size tricycle. It does not have to be working. I will pay a reasonable price. Please call Linda at (207) 369-9575, if you have one you no longer want. Thank you. – Linda, Byron.

Dear Sun Spots: I would like a recipe for Raised Donuts. My wife passed away a few years ago and made the best, but had the recipe in her head. My grandsons have been asking how to make them also. I remember it was a simple recipe. She boiled them in Crisco in a large cast iron pan. They were crisp and brown on the outside, sprinkled with sugar. Delicious. Her recipe came from Germany. Could anyone help me? Sun Spots always came to the rescue for me. – Joe S., Rangeley.

Sun Spots hopes you and your grandsons share some special memories while cooking up these donuts located on the Remmick-Hubert home site with German-Russian descent at

Raised Donut Ingredients: 3 cups milk, 1/2 cup butter, plus, extra butter to place in pans later, 1 cup white granulated sugar, 3 teaspoons salt, 2 medium size eggs, 1/2 cup lukewarm water, 4 cakes yeast, 10 cups flour (sometimes one needs a little less, sometimes a little more depending on the size of eggs used). For after deep frying: 1 lunch bag filled with 1 cup sugar and teaspoon of cinnamon.

Scald milk (bring to point before boiling) and place in a large mixing bowl. Add sugar, salt and butter to the hot milk. Let mixture cool. Meanwhile, take a cup and fill it with the water and yeast to soften. Break the eggs in a cup and lightly beat. Return to mixture in large bowl and add 5 cups of flour and mix until smooth. Add the yeast mixture and 1 cup flour and mix. Add the egg mixture and mix. Add 3 1/2 cups of flour to form a stiff ball of dough (add the final 1/2 as needed to form ball). Lightly flour a bread board or marble slab. Place flour ball on the board and knead until smooth. Place dough into a lightly buttered bowl. Let the dough rise in a warm place (place it in my oven with the door slightly ajar so the light remains on until it’s doubled its size). After the dough has risen, punch the dough down rub the top of the dough with cool melted butter to prevent the dough from sticking to lid or towel on bowl. Place dough into refrigeration and let it rise. The dough can remain in refrigerator for several days.

When ready to bake the rolls/donuts, remove the dough needed from bowl. Lightly butter the bread pans to prevent sticking. Knead with gentleness (the less handling the higher the bread will rise) on lightly floured board or marble slab. Roll dough to about 1/4 inch thick on lightly floured board or marble slab. Let donuts raise for about 1 to 2 hours so they double their size. Fry the raised donut in deep fat kettle or fryer for about 1 minute (until golden brown). Remove from kettle with slotted spoon. Place on paper towels to rid the access oil. Take a paper bag (lunch bag size) and place in it 1 cup sugar and 1 teaspoon cinnamon. (Add more as needed). Place the warm donut into the bag and shake lightly to coat the donut then place on a platter. Note: If the donut is too cold the sugar coating doesn’t work as well. Best served with cold milk or coffee or hot chocolate or cold / hot cider.

This column is for you, our readers. It is for your questions and comments. There are only two rules: You must write to the column and sign your name (we won’t use it if you ask us not to). Letters will not be returned or answered by mail, and telephone calls will not be accepted. Your letters will appear as quickly as space allows. Address them to Sun Spots, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04243-4400. Inquiries can also be posted at in the Inform Us section under Press Release.

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