January 24Members were added to the Personnel and Academics committees.
January 24Regional School Unit 9 directors expect the replacement will be done by the end of February break.
The RSU 9 board approved an expansion of the district's International Student Program, aiming to double enrollment and revenue, restore elementary world language programming, and enhance cultural opportunities without requiring local funding.
January 25The RSU 9 board approved a field trip for 13 students through the school's International Student Program.
Dozens of people from the greater Farmington area attended the Martin Luther King Jr. Day service.
January 25The annual Western Mountain 7v7 Soccer Classic will take place Aug. 1-3.
January 24Wilde, who has worked Sundays at Ron's Market in Farmington and used his earnings for scholarships at Mt. Blue High School, will retire Sunday, Jan. 26.
The Winter Fun Day - Take It Outside event is a program of the Bureau of Parks and Lands.
January 23
January 22The District Attorney's Office is expected to move back to the Franklin County Courthouse on Main Street once the administrative offices are renovated.
January 21Arrests listed from Jan. 16 to Jan. 21 at the Franklin County Detention Center in Farmington.
January 21The county administrator said she would like to move into the building in early spring.
Commissioners also voted to authorize all part-time elected officials to enroll in the health insurance at their own cost above and beyond the stipend amount they receive in lieu of taking benefits.
January 20Bishop James Ruggieri is guest speaker at the Farmington Area Ecumenical Ministry program.
January 21Kristen Webster, program coordinator for the Franklin County Recovery Center, said one of the biggest challenges is not a lack of support, but a lack of funding for support.
Nicholas M. Smith, 33, is charged with aggravated assault and criminal threatening.
January 17Commissioners' pay has remained the same since 2016, but that year they voted to not to take benefits and accept a $12,000 annual salary — it just never stuck.
Jennifer Savage, who had been the assistant director, has been named director and the new assistant director will be Michelle Dowd.
January 22Leia Bridges, administrative assistant for Farmington Fire Rescue/Public Works, shared information on reimbursements from floods in 2022 and 2023.
January 16Miguel Alvarez Jr. 39, of Webster, Massachusetts, and Jason C. Robbins, 42, of Farmington are charged with aggravated drug trafficking.
RSU 9 board of directors highlighted progress in reducing absenteeism, successful community engagement events, and the need for innovative strategies to address modern educational challenges during the Jan. 14 meeting.
January 20Harvell has taken out nomination papers for election in March.
The Kingfield/New Portland Transfer Station has closed its DEMO container and burn pile for six months due to a $45,000 budget shortfall caused by unexpected ash disposal costs.
January 16Arrests listed for Jan. 14 and Jan. 15 at the Franklin County Detention Center in Farmington.
Maine Huts and Trails has a lot to offer.
In addition to approving the change of use application for Aroma Joe's, the Planning Board also accepted an amendment to the size of the planned Convenient MD facility.
The Strong United Methodist Women’s Group has supported its community for over 100 years through events, financial aid, and collaborative outreach efforts.