Mr. Drew is shown here with some of his closest friends. SUBMITTED PHOTO

PHILLIPS — Phillips Area Community Center (PACC) will host Mr. Drew and His Animals Too! Live Reptile Show, Sunday, July 28. Due to the Popularity of this returning event, Shows are scheduled at 3 p.m. and 6 p.m.This free show is sponsored by Sylvia Lambert. PACC events are underwritten by Central Maine Crane, Dark Star Fabrics, Bear Belly’s Tap and Table, Eastman Park, Saviello’s EPCS, LLC, Mike and Ginny Auger and Mike Sobeleski.

Mr. Drew will delight and educate children during his visit with his exotic animal friends. Mr. Drew and His Animals Too is a natural science and exotic animal rescue and rehabilitation center in Lewiston that provides a hands-on approach to learning about science and animals.

Snakes, lizards, spiders, turtles, fish, birds, frogs…and more! Educational and fun, Mr. Drew’s is highly interactive and enjoyable. The animals are rescues and the staff are amazing at caring for the creatures so lovingly and respectfully. This show is great for kids and adults alike who love animals! It will be a wonderful experience for all ages and well worth the show.

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