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Trails for Rangeley Area Coalition, or T.R.A.C., is a social group that gathers regularly to take part in outdoor activities. There is no fee to join or to take part in the group's adventures.
For the first time in five years, Rangeley Pond Hockey Festival tournament play was able to be completed. Weather, and a pandemic, has either halted or cut the weekend tournament short.
A Special Town Meeting will be held on April 8. The anticipated overage is due, in part to the current Collective Bargaining Agreement being ratified prior to the adoption of the current budget.
Winterpalooza! is the Rangeley region's kick off to February vacation week. Held Monday, Feb. 17, the event includes curling, ice skating, and dog keg races.
Set a tip-up during Maine’s Free Fishing Weekend, Feb. 15 and 16. On these days, any person (except those whose license has been suspended or revoked) may fish without a license. All other laws and regulations apply on these days.
The NFCT will host five races in three states this year. These races range from short, family-friendly challenges to multi-day stage races for more experienced paddlers. The lineup includes the return of the Rangeley Oquossoc Adventure Rendezvous, June 21-22
Conceptual plans for a pair of National Scenic Byway Gateway Hubs were presented. The parking areas are proposed for existing town-owned lots in Rangeley and Oquossoc.
The projected overage is due, in part, to the current Collective Bargaining Agreement, with an increase in wages and benefits, being ratified after the FY 25 budget was adopted in June 2025.