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The Fayette Select Board discussed emergency services costs, infrastructure projects, budget planning, and committee appointments during its Feb. 4 meeting at Starling Hall.
Throughout the season each team will be raising money to, among other things keep the AYS building open in the winter. The team raising the most money will earn a pizza party.
Treat Memorial Library in Livermore Falls hosted a festive "Cookies and Cards" event Feb. 8, offering a drop-in Valentine’s Day card-making activity with inclusive vegan and dairy-free treats.
Eagle Creek Renewable Energy owns four hydroelectric facilities on the Androscoggin River Riley, including three with dams or power stations that straddle town lines.
The Livermore Select Board held a public hearing Tuesday, Jan. 28, on a proposed solar project along Route 4, where residents raised concerns about aesthetics, property rights, and environmental impact, while officials emphasized the town's lack of land-use ordinances and ongoing efforts to draft regulations.
The Fayette Select Board honored retiring Planning Board member Jed Davis on Jan. 21, noting his decades of service as Fayette’s first town manager and recognizing a farewell celebration held during his final Planning Board meeting.
Two teams from Spruce Mountain Middle School have spent months preparing for the Maine State Championship FIRST LEGO League Challenge held Saturday, Feb. 1, at Mt. Blue High School in Farmington.
There was a lapse in disinfectant at the Wilton Water Department on Friday night, which has been fixed, and as a precaution superintendents are asking customers to boil water for one minute before drinking, washing vegetables, brushing teeth among other uses.