LIVERMORE FALLS — At the First Baptist Church of Livermore Falls Sunday, August 18 service, organ music was provided by  Maggie Houlihan and piano by Margaret Emery. Maggie set the mood for the service as she played beautiful music on the pipe organ. At 10:30 a.m., Kay Watson opened the service as she welcomed all in attendance and read announcements of upcoming events.

Becky Widger and her team were given thanks and appreciation for a very successful Vacation Bible School which took place from August 12 – 16. Kay then led us as we sang two praise songs: : “He Is Exalted” and “God, the Lord, is the Strength of My Heart”.

Rev. Russ Thayer gave the Call to Worship reading from Psalm 59, Verse 17. He led us into prayer time. After prayers, we recited The Lord’s Prayer. We moved on to sing our first hymn, “I Must Tell Jesus”. Pastor Thayer presented the Junior Sermon, titled “Secret Box”. As tithes and offerings were collected, Maggie and Margaret played “He’s Everything To Me”. Special music was presented by Dianne Hirsh as she sang “Grace Like Rain”.

Pastor Thayer introduced the sermon as he read scripture from Galatians, Chapter 6, Verses 1 – 10. He titled the sermon, “Do Good To All”. He asked the question, “Is anybody here perfect in their faith?” The answer: “No!” We’re all human and cannot achieve perfection because “everyone slips up from time to time”. Have you ever “slipped up” and said or done something to cause hurt to another person, or cause anger? Of course, we all have done that.

The important thing to remember is, we are all capable of hurting, angering or upsetting others, even when we don’t mean to do so. No one is better than anyone else. If a person “thinks” he or she is better than others, that person is deceiving him or herself . We need to encourage others to think before they speak. We need to uplift the spirits of others and our approach to others needs to be positive.

The Apostle Paul shared similar thoughts with the Galatian people, and his words are important even in today’s society. To criticize others because they get emotional and react badly to certain situations does nothing but cause hard feelings. To quote the Apostle: “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are the household of faith.”


The service ended as we sang the final hymn, “We’re Marching to Zion”, and, after the benediction, we sang, “Go Ye, Go Ye Into the World”.


1. This month, we are collecting any kinds of crackers, and in September, we will collect canned tuna.

2. The Outreach Committee is collecting socks for children and adults for “Back to School.”

3. The Worship Team will begin rehearsals on Thursday, September 5 at 1 p.m.

4. Please join us in the Vestry after Worship for Coffee and treats.

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