The island dictator is angry about pro-democracy support.

HAVANA (AP) – President Fidel Castro led hundreds of thousands of people in a march past the Spanish Embassy on Thursday to protest European support of U.S. policies aimed at nurturing pro-democracy activism on the communist island.

Surrounded by security men and close aides, the 76-year-old bearded leader marched in his trademark olive green fatigues for about 10 minutes during a demonstration that lasted for more than two hours.

His brother and designated successor, 72-year-old Defense Minister Gen. Raul Castro, led a march past the Italian Embassy on the other side of Havana.

“Down with fascism!” a government announcer chanted over a public broadcast system on the Malecon coastal highway in Old Havana, one block from the white, colonial style Spanish mission. “Long live the revolution!”

The protest underscores Castro’s growing anger over European and U.S. support of his most vocal critics on the island, and what he says are increased American efforts to control the world with its “neofascist policies.”

The Cuban leader, who has made U.S. bashing the centerpiece of his 44-year rule, seems especially irritated by what he says is Europe’s alignment with U.S. policies aimed at encouraging a transition to democracy in the Caribbean nation.

Castro demonstrated unprecedented tolerance for debate and dissidence during former President Jimmy Carter’s visit here in May 2002, allowing him to discuss human rights and democracy in an uncensored speech broadcast live on television and radio.

That changed early this year when American diplomats led by U.S. Interests Section Chief James Cason grew more active in support of the internal opposition and more public in criticisms of Castro’s regime. The dissidents, too, grew bolder, and Castro cracked down, sentencing 75 to prison.

Meanwhile, Castro was angered that the U.S. government launched military action in Iraq without broad international support, leading him to conclude Cuba could be next.

Although anti-Castro Cuban exile groups in Miami publicly voiced that hope, Washington has repeatedly said no military action against Cuba is planned.

Castro’s patience ran out last week when Cuba’s longtime allies in the 15-member European Union expressed concern about the human rights of people he views as mere mercenaries of a hostile government trying to oust him.

“If an attack against Cuba occurs, the ones most responsible will be those who signed this document,” Castro said Wednesday on state television, referring to the EU announcement last week it was reviewing its Cuba policies because of concerns over human rights.

During Thursday’s protests, marchers carried small red-white-and-blue Cuban flags and signs ridiculing Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar and Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi as fascists.

Outside the Spanish mission, signs referred to Aznar as a “little Fuhrer.” Placards around the Italian embassy called the premier “Benito Berlusconi,” a reference to fascist leader Benito Mussolini.

The marches, which paralyzed traffic and business activity in the nation’s capital, were broadcast live on state-run television.

Earlier this year, governments around the globe strongly condemned Castro’s regime for sentencing some of its harshest critics to prison terms ranging from six to 28 years.

Cuban prosecutors accused the dissidents of working with American diplomats to subvert the island’s socialist system – a charge the activists and U.S. officials denied.

European nations, which traditionally have opposed the death penalty, also protested Cuba’s quick trials and firing-squad executions of three men who hijacked a ferry filled with passengers and tried to reach the United States. Cuba has defended the executions as necessary to halt a migration crisis.

In its statement last week, the European Union said it was “deeply concerned about the continuing flagrant violation of human rights and of fundamental freedoms of members of the Cuban opposition and of independent journalists.”

EU members unanimously agreed to reduce high-level governmental visits and participation of in cultural events on the island. They also said they would review overall relations.

The European nations also agreed to invite dissidents to national holiday celebrations at their embassies in Havana as a sign of support for the island’s internal opposition.

Castro’s willingness to alienate the 15-member bloc that serves as his nation’s most important source of trade and tourism demonstrates the depth of his anger over the EU’s new stance.

On Wednesday, Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque used language usually used for Washington when he accused Spain of funding dissident groups and criticized Italy for cutting cultural and cooperation programs with Cuba.

AP-ES-06-12-03 1850EDT

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