MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) – Comedian Adam Sandler made a surprise appearance at Central High School’s graduation ceremony, where his nephew was one of three valedictorians.

Sandler, who graduated from the school in 1984, teased his nephew, Tyler Spindel at the Wednesday night ceremony, calling him the family’s “boy genius” and describing his own role as “professional buffoon.”

He said Spindel’s first word, when he was a year old, was “photosynthesis,” while Sandler’s first word, at age 7, was “doodie,” which continued to be his favorite word in life.

Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., was originally scheduled to speak to the graduates, but had to cancel when the ceremony was moved back a day. Sandler blamed Kerry’s absence on “a wicked bad case of a fake tummy ache.”

On only a slightly more serious note, Sandler, whose films include “Happy Gilmore,” “Big Daddy” and “Anger Management,” told graduates he hopes all their dreams come true. He reminded them to come back and visit their families after they move on.

Sandler said that he wasn’t valedictorian.

“I came very close, but was narrowly beaten by 622 other students,” he said.

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