Dear Sun Spots: I again need to avail myself of your services.

As part of the July 4 Liberty Festival celebration, there will be a tribute to the United States of America with a display of 50 state flags. I am the volunteer coordinator for this portion of the festivities. I am seeking participants willing to hold a state flag for the duration of the fireworks display, on the north side of the Longley Bridge for approximately half an hour.

Volunteers need to be at least 16 years of age or accompanied by an adult. If you are interested and would like to volunteer for the flag ceremony, please call Vicki D. Roy at (207) 777-4797. Please leave a message with your name and call-back number. As time is running out, I need to hear from those interested by June 20th. – Vicki D. Roy, Auburn.

Dear Sun Spots: Not long ago, a lady wrote that she was looking for leftover yarn to do her community project/hobby. I have lots of yarn for anyone who would like to have it. Call 782-9270. – Ellie Frechette, Lewiston.

Dear Sun Spots: I was wondering if I could get a copy of all the different Paul Kariya hockey cards that have been made. Or, is there a Web site with those that are available. I haven’t been able to find anything. – Card Collector, No Town.

In addition to responses from readers, you may want to check out;;; and for Paul Kariya cards and memorabilia.

As many readers know, Kariya, the captain of the National Hockey League’s Mighty Ducks, had quite a recovery from a hit he took in the second period of Game 6 of the Stanley Cup finals earlier this month. Kariya returned to the ice that same period and soon hit a slap shot for a goal that kept his team ahead for the win in that game.

Of course, University of Maine Black Bears’ fans well recall Kariya’s role as an outstanding freshman on the legendary 1992-93 team that gave UMaine its first national title.

Dear Sun Spots: Can you please name the state quarters that have been issued? I read your column every day. It’s good. – J.C.B., Roxbury.

This following is the list of state quarters and their release date according to the United States Mint:

Delaware, Jan 4, 1999; Pennsylvania, March 8, 1999; New Jersey, May 17, 1999; Georgia, July 19, 1999; Connecticut, Oct. 12, 1999; Massachusetts, Jan 3, 2000; Maryland, March 13, 2000; South Carolina, May 22, 2000; New Hampshire, Aug. 7, 2000; Virginia, Oct. 16, 2000; New York, Jan 2, 2001; North Carolina, March 12, 2001; Rhode Island, May 21, 2001; Vermont, Aug. 6, 2001; Kentucky, Oct. 15, 2001; Tennessee, Jan 2, 2002; Ohio, March 11, 2002; Louisiana, May 20, 2002; Indiana, Aug. 2, 2002; Mississippi, Oct. 15, 2002; Illinois, Jan 2, 2003; Alabama, March 17, 2003; and Maine, June 2, 2003. The Missouri and Arkansas state quarters will also be released in 2003 but those dates are not yet scheduled. The program will be completed in 2008, with Hawaii being the last quarter.

Dear Sun Spots: The Danville Junction Grange 65 will hold an indoor yard sale July 12 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the grange hall. This sale is an attempt to raise funds for repairs to the hall. Tables are available to rent for $10 by calling Wes or Glenys Ryder at (207) 783-6897. There will be food and white elephant tables as well as a soup and sandwich luncheon. Thanks for your help. – Glenys Ryder, Danville.

This column is for you, our readers. It is for your questions and comments. There are only two rules: You must write to the column and sign your name (we won’t use it if you ask us not to). Letters will not be returned or answered by mail, and telephone calls will not be accepted. Your letters will appear as quickly as space allows. Address them to Sun Spots, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04243-4400. Inquiries can also be posted at in the Inform Us section under Press Release.

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