In recent years, public officials have chipped away at any and all rights of the smoker in the name of good health. It was one thing to ban smoking from bars, restaurants, schools, public events, but it’s gotten out of hand.

Lewiston-Auburn now wants to ban smoking in public housing. Housing, public or otherwise, is a person’s home. What is becoming of our society when a person is told what he can do in the sanctuary of his home? Obviously, a select few would like to completely do away with smokers, but why stop there?

Personally, I feel the public would be better served if as much emphasis was put on the banning of alcoholic beverages. Where are the statistics showing the effects of alcohol consumption? Think about it and compare.

How many people lose work every day because they smoked the night before? How many smokers qualify for disability benefits because of their inability to work? How many issues such as abuse, neglect, criminal acts, fatal traffic accidents and breaking up of families are attributed to smoking? And the list goes on and on. No one wants to address this issue because it is politically incorrect. After all, most politicians, businesspeople, upper class individuals thrive on their “social” hour.

Citizens, it is time to speak out and say enough is enough because what freedoms or rights will be next?

Jacqueline P. Smith, Lewiston

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