WEST PARIS – Selectmen announced Thursday that a special workshop has been scheduled for 6 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 13, to present proposals for a possible selectmen recall ordinance.

The workshop, which will be facilitated by town attorney Geoffrey Hole, came about after a citizens group requested such an ordinance be considered earlier this year.

The idea presented by the group, headed by resident Sandra Poland, is to make it possible to petition the selectmen for a town-wide special election if the people deem a member or members of the board unfit to continue to hold office. It was also felt that such an ordinance would give the people a stronger voice in town government affairs.

After the request for the study was made, Hole agreed to examine the issue and get back to the town with a date and time for the workshop when he will present possible ordinance language and explain the legal issues connected with such an ordinance.

The workshop will be held in the meeting room at the town office on Kingsbury Street.

The board also voted to hire Cindy Parker to clean the town office on a weekly basis for $30 per week. The employment depends on Parker’s willingness to sign a written contract.

The contract requirement was suggested by Selectman Howard Gurney who felt a signed contract is needed to protect the town and hold the cost at the amount stated.

“We should have her sign a contract,” said Gurney, “to make sure she can do the job for that price, and to see if any other terms are being offered. Other’s have to sign a contract so we should ask her to do the same.”

The rest of the board agreed and Chairman Wade Rainey said that he will talk to Parker and take care of the details regarding a contract.

If a contract is agreed upon, Parker will take over the job as soon as the annual cleaning of the carpets is done after which that project is expected to become part of the contract.

The board also authorized Town Clerk Cheryl Shattenberg to pay half of the bill for paving material to Commercial Paving of Scarborough, with the balance paid in September. The payments are for $13,511 each for a grand total of $27,022.

The material was delivered in May and stockpiled at the town pit off Route 26.

According to Shattenberg, she and the board had hoped to hold off on payment until after the tax bills go out at the end of this month and tax money begins to come in. “However, Commercial Paving has been asking for payment and have agreed to receiving half now and the rest in September,” she said.

It was agreed to have no trespassing signs made and posted on all four sides of the town office and garage building. The purpose of the signs is to give the State Police and Sheriff’s Department the power to keep unauthorized personnel away from the building during hours when the office is not open.

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