I’ve read much lately about Bush’s attempt to take away overtime pay, and have heard enough.

The tendency of Bush’s detractors to seize upon perceived weaknesses for political gain is one thing. That’s politics. But to characterize the Family Time Flexibility Act (HR 1119) as an attempt to hijack overtime pay is downright dishonest.

Anyone who reads the bill will come away wondering if those trashing it have actually read it. The choice is the employee’s, not the employer’s. At any time, we may opt out and/or demand back overtime wages. The amount of deceit and disinformation being expended by the opposition says a lot. Perhaps they don’t want a family/worker-friendly bill to pass Bush’s desk. They did much the same to the president’s dad over the Family Medical Leave Act.

The Democrats kept attaching “poison pills” to it until President Clinton took office. Then they let it go clean. Maybe they’re counting the revenue lost when overtime isn’t taxable at the usual elevated rate. Whatever the case, the false claims of Bush’s intended victimization of the working class will evaporate when the working people actually go to the Congressional Web site and read the bill for themselves.

It’s plain enough for anyone to understand. I’m a Bath Iron Works worker, and I think an opportunity to trade a bit of overtime for some extra time off would be great, and everyone at BIW I’ve talked to agrees. Look at it for yourselves, people. We deserve this option.

Edwin L. Dunlap Jr., Topsham

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