The Department of Human Services lost, misspent, misplaced or who knows what $18.9 million. Come to find out, it’s more like $32 million.

It just blows my mind to see a small group of people running an important department such as DHS to have such little concern for lack of fiscal responsibility. Don’t they realize that they are responsible and should be held accountable for its shortcomings? Maine taxpayers should really be upset over this particular incident, especially in lieu of the fact that the state is handcuffed.

What we need in Augusta are people like Bob Mennealy of Auburn, Bob Stone and Bob McDonald of Lewiston. They all have natural oversight tendencies. They would question the integrity of certain departmental expenditures.

As far as the majority of the citizens of Maine, we are far too passive when it comes to questioning our illustrious leaders in Augusta. When I see only one Republican voted in office from Lewiston and Auburn, I find it extremely bothersome.

We should stop voting for the liberal-minded representatives and senators who do not even admit the fact that there is a huge deficit in Augusta. Give us a break.

Daniel R. Lalonde, Lewiston

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