DIXFIELD – Former town librarian Justy Nazar said Tuesday she was stunned to learn Monday that she was being removed from the job she had held for 14 years.

Town Manager Nanci Allard, she said, “came into the library Monday morning and I saw her because I was near the computer room. She had an envelope in her hand and she went into my office and put the envelope on my desk and walked out. She never said a word to me,” Nazar explained.

Nazar said she went to her office and opened the sealed envelope to find a letter from Allard telling her that as of 5:50 p.m. Monday she would be out of a job. She said she was stunned.

“I feel very badly that I wasn’t able to say goodbye to the people I’ve known for 14 years,” Nazar said late Tuesday night.

Allard, who has authority over town employees, said she didn’t abruptly fire Nazar.

“Justy wasn’t fired. She resigned,” Allard said Tuesday afternoon. “She was unhappy with the job. I sent her a letter of concern about a personnel matter and she responded and attached a letter of resignation.”

That letter, which Nazar claims was a retirement notice, was effective as of Aug. 29. But Allard said that because Nazar was unhappy with her job, she, Allard, “accelerated” the date to 5:50 p.m. Monday. When pressed, Allard said Nazar was unhappy with her, but she declined to give details.

Nazar said Tuesday she objected to Allard’s reason for letting her go from her post at Ludden Memorial Library.

“I absolutely love the job or I wouldn’t have done it for 14 years,” she said. “I’ve worked under five town managers and never had a problem with any of them until now. The problem wasn’t the job. It was Nanci. I had a problem with the way she was micromanaging my position and she has a very confrontational style of managing. She was not assisting me in anyway,” Nazar said.

Nazar will be paid through Aug. 29 and paid for earned vacation and personal days. Additionally, the town is extending benefits to her, Allard added.

Meanwhile, offers of help poured into the library Tuesday.

“Many people have volunteered their services and community help,” said Assistant Librarian Peggy Malley of Rumford. “So the library is going to run just fine. We’re all willing to work extra hours to benefit the library so things will go on as usual. I don’t think that people will notice much of a change.”

Assistant Librarians Malley, Diane Stanley of Dixfield and Ginny Bragdon of Peru ran the library Tuesday, fielding questions about Nazar’s sudden dismissal.

“People have been coming in to express their sorrow and everything to us and we explained to them that sometimes things are not the way they seem. We had a few people come in and a few phone calls where we were telling people that she wasn’t fired,” Malley said.

Allard said she met with Malley and Stanley, who agreed to pitch in and do what needed to be done to help run it. She will also be meeting with both the staff and library Board of Trustees together on the library’s administrative matters.

“We’ll move forward. The staff is very capable. The library will go on, but nothing will be canceled,” Allard said.

Malley has been an assistant librarian at Ludden for three years, while Stanley has done the job for a year. Bragdon, who was an assistant librarian under Nazar before Malley and Stanley were hired, is also the Peru school librarian.

Ever since June 16, Bragdon and Malley have run Ludden library’s summer reading program, Laugh It Up At Your Library, although Malley said Nazar helped her plan it.

The program will close at 1 p.m. Friday, Aug. 1, with awards for its 72 participants who range in age from preschool to adults. There will also be a string puppetry show by Dan Grady, a famous marionette artist and performer from Eliot, Malley said.

“I’ve already filled out the award certificates and we’ll have prizes that will be awarded for the top readers in each age group. Everyone will get a certificate (of completion), while children will get a free certificate for a Subway Kids’ Pak meal. So everything is running smoothly just like it always has,” she added.

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