I am writing this letter in response to a growing issue that I, for one, feel has become a nuisance of enormous proportion. What I am talking about here is the increase in the traffic on our suburban streets, and more specifically the growing number of individuals who feel that it is their right to pollute our streets and homes with the insidious noise coming from the tailpipes of their motorcycles. Come on people, you know what I’m talking about.

Give me a break. Is it not a motorcycle if it’s not so loud? Would it kill your ego to not rev your engine at red lights? Would it break your heart not to fly down neighborhood streets?

Don’t get me wrong, it is a free country. We have all the right in the world to drive motorcycles; and why wouldn’t we? They’re a good time, right?

All I am asking for is a little respect. Observe the speed limit. Save the noise for the interstate. I reserve the right to relax at home without this ridiculous disturbance as much as you have the right to ride your motorcycle.

I know there are many of you out there who agree with me. If so, speak up.

Jeff Larochelle, Lewiston

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