JAY – Police are investigating a number of burglaries and have recovered stolen items. Most of the cases involve motor vehicle burglaries, but at least one business was entered and a cash box stolen.

Police have leads and possible suspects in the case.

Credit cards and the cash box are among the recovered goods, Cpl. Jeffrey Fournier said.

Police have been investigating several complaints of vehicles reported burglarized at B.J.’s Lane, Fournier said.

On Tuesday, police officer Kevin McCutcheon recovered several items stolen, including various credit cards, after a representative from B.J.’s mobile home park called police to report finding the items.

While McCutcheon was recovering that property, he found other property related to another motor vehicle burglary reported Aug. 3, Fournier said.

On Monday, a representative of Barking Dog Mill on Intervale Road, also known as Route 140, reported a burglary at the mill.

A cash box with an undisclosed amount of cash was reported stolen, Fournier said. The box was later recovered at B.J.’s, he said.

Police are also investigating a motor vehicle burglary reported Saturday at B.J.’s Lane. Some items in that case were recovered that day, Fournier said, and he recovered more stolen items Wednesday morning.

All the vehicles and the business burglarized had unlocked doors, Fournier said.

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