Letter writer Mary Jane Newell continuously blames newspaper editors and liberal Democrats for the Bush failures.

I’m an Independent, Korean War veteran who would like to state some facts about the Bush presidency and his compassionate Republicans that she has such admiration for.

• Sept. 11 no doubt brought on, in part, by his harsh rhetoric and attitude: It’s my way or the highway.

• Record $500 billion deficit.

• Republican decontrol caused disastrous savings and loan fiasco and now a repeat fiasco with Enron – corporate buddies of Bush and Chaney.

• Worst black out in U.S. history – decontrol a factor.

• Record rise in energy prices.

• Tax break that mainly benefits the wealthy.

• California’s economic crisis brought on by Enron and Republican decontrols.

The budget crisis in Maine and across the country was caused by the meltdown of the economy under this administration, in part, due to Bush’s tax cut for the wealthy and his decision to go it alone in Iraq. The final cost of this bad decision is beyond comprehension.

To quote Republican Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower: “Every gun that is made, every war ship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.”

Wake up, folks and pay attention to what Howard Dean and Gen. Wesley Clark are trying to tell you about the failures of this administration.

Arnold Farr, Norway

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