All over this country, people are contacting their representatives expressing concern over constitutional revisions in the Patriot Act.

Some have gone even further. As of today, three states, 159 cities, towns and counties have passed resolutions to oppose the Patriot Act.

Our administration informs us these constitutional revisions are necessary to protect Americans. The question is will surrendering our rights protect our freedoms? This seems antithetical, if we surrender our rights, how can we still be free?

If we can be arrested and held without charge, without proof and without bail for an undetermined length of time, and denied an attorney, how free are we?

If any law enforcement agency, including the town or county, can interpret our actions as terrorism, how free are we?

If our homes can be searched and our reading material or library records monitored, without our knowledge. If our records or computers can be confiscated, based on a suspicion, without a court order, how free are we?

If our neighbors are encouraged to observe and report suspicious activities to our new Homeland Security Office, how free are we?

Are we being driven by fear? Are Americans so frightened they will sacrifice freedom, the very essence of Democracy?

Please consider that fear is a mechanism of control.

Patricia Fogg, Poland

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