FARMINGTON – The Franklin Association of the United Church of Christ will present a conversation with Dr. William Imes at 2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 5, at Old South UCC Church on Main Street.

Imes, president of Bangor Theological Seminary, will lead the gathering in a consideration of how we achieve peace in a world marked by war and violence.

In the midst of war in Africa, the Middle East and Afghanistan with terrible tales of abuse and domestic violence surrounding us, Americans may wonder when is war the right thing to do and what can we do to move away from solving conflicts with violence.

All are welcome to the event that is being offered at no charge.

Imes will ground his presentation in the biblical concept of shalom as a goal and a measure of our lives as he offers suggestions for action by groups and individuals.

The Maine Conference of the UCC has asked Imes to speak at its meeting this week at Sugarloaf/USA on bearing Christian witness in the midst of differences among our ideas on war and peace. He has proven sensitive to each person’s feelings and respectful of each one’s interpretation. He welcomes the opportunity to talk with all members of the Farmington area about making peace in our lives in the world.

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