I would like to add my voice to those who are opposed to the plan to construct a parking lot and nature center within Thorncrag Bird Sanctuary on Montello Street.

The plan would cover with asphalt, concrete and glass several acres of a precious, protected wild area within Lewiston’s city limits. Lewiston has too few such protected acres to sacrifice even one. As I understand it, nearby land could easily accommodate the parking lot and nature center without invading the Sanctuary, which was intended to protect birds and wildlife.

I was born and brought up in Lewiston near the Bates campus, and I vividly remember riding my bike to Thorncrag, where I and friends roamed through what seemed to us to be a forest primeval. It wasn’t, of course, but at least we were not distracted by pavement and contemporary architecture.

Everywhere we look today, the beautiful places of our beautiful state are in danger of being eaten up by development. Some of this cannot be avoided and is even necessary for a healthy economy. But some development is manifestly unnecessary and destructive. The plan for Thorncrag seems to me to fall into the latter category.

Dain Trafton, Phillips

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