Sept. 27’s report of the police action against the woman running a house of prostitution on main street in Poland at first made me wonder only about how she conducts “Take Your Daughter To Work” day. But then I really got busy wondering.

I can see a new citizens’ initiative festering in the weeds, calling itself ProstitutionYes. The TV pitch-people will gush: “4,000 new jobs!” and “$50 million earmarked for property tax relief” and “not a cent of state money involved!” and “increased tourism opportunities!”

The unions will stand by ready to organize a new class of workers. The state will salivate over revenues from the taxing of profits and from the issuance of a whole new category of license. Research will surface indicating that there are billions of dollars worth of pent-up demand and the Poland operation only services diddly-squat’s worth. Hurry, before New Hampshire cashes in first. At last, a growth industry to keep our graduates instate. Sheesh, why wouldn’t you want it?

It all depends on how this fall’s casino vote goes. If Mainers can prostitute themselves to live off taxes on the vice of gambling, why not pander to another, even more basic, human weakness by legalizing and taxing an even tackier vice: prostitution. Sky’s the limit here, folks.

Lenny Hoy, Greenwood

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