Ah, California has the answer to all its woes. Lower taxes, better schools, affordable health care, more jobs. A fresh (albeit familiar) face in Sacramento, and all will be well.

Maine, like California, has its economic and social ills as well. We all want lower taxes, better schools, affordable health care and more jobs. And we have a candidate who is promising such things to us. All we have to do is vote him in.

But there is a difference. If Arnold Schwarzenegger does not deliver in California, the citizens can write letters, lobby their legislators or, if push comes to shove, have another recall and elect a new governor.

But if the casino in Maine – which, like a slick candidate, promises the aforementioned benefits – is voted in but does not deliver, what can we do?

The casino in a non-entity, a body-less candidate that cannot be written to, lobbied or recalled. It’s driving its prey, which has been weakened by its “I’ll-hit-it-big-this-time” lottery mentality.

Wake up, Maine. Once it’s done, it’s done. If Maine votes yes on the casino, we can all say “hasta la vista” to the way life should be.

Susan Strickland, Lisbon

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