Maine is at a critical point. We can keep ignoring the need for fiscal responsibility, or we can demand real reform that produces fiscal discipline and leads to real tax relief. I think it’s about time we do the latter.

Proponents have tried to sell Question 1A as a way to reduce property taxes and has even been so bold as to assert that this won’t lead to higher taxes at the state level. If so, I challenge any legislator who claims that this won’t significantly increase our state taxes to come forward and tell us what other programs they will cut to accommodate the increased spending. Where is the guarantee that we’ll see property tax relief?

Does my support of Question 1C mean that I’m against giving schools the resources they need? Absolutely, not! Even though the current formula does not work perfectly, it uses state funding to help less fortunate school districts get on an even playing field with more affluent districts. Once we help bridge this disparity, each community has the responsibility to step up and educate its kids. If it isn’t worth it for people of one community to give more tax revenue to their own district, why should the rest of us spend our tax dollars on them?

Question 1A will only add to an unbearable tax burden placed on Maine citizens, and 1B will only do the same damage in slower increments. Vote for 1C and demand fiscal and tax reform from our leaders.

Matthew Mower, Greene

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