Eeve B. Crow

of Farmington

is a Shamanic practitioner.

FARMINGTON – Eeve B. Crowe stood inside a ring made of rocks on the ground, drumming a hand-held drum, chanting in a gentle rhythm. She paused from her drumming and stepped outside the medicine wheel in her back yard on Galilee Road.

The shamanic practitioner had handpicked each rock for its symbolism to the earth.

In the center of the circle, she shaped a heart out of rocks. On the outside, she placed rocks for people to sit on and meditate.

Crowe said she practices ancient healing methods in an effort to empower and free people of their physical and emotional limitations.

On this day, Crowe prayed to everything God made as she prepared herself to conduct a soul retrieval.

Besides being a shamanic practitioner, Crowe said she is trained as a metaphysician, a psychic counselor and Reiki master. She combines those techniques to heal people.

Crowe dressed in black moccasins, long burnt-orange skirt and vest, and shirt, led the way into her home and then into what she referred to as a “healing room.”

A pattern of rocks and crystals sat on the floor near what she calls her healing table.

A sketch of a wolf with the sun shining brighter through one eye rested against a windowpane. A table held a mix of crystals and items representing different religions.

Crowe said she had a near death experience when she was 18.

“When I had the car accident, right before I went into the windshield, I was in a huge trauma and fear… part of my soul left,” she said.

She was sick off and on for 10 years until she went through a soul retrieval with a shaman, she said. That’s when she decided she needed to learn the ways of ancient healing.

It was the near-death experience, she said, that helped her understand what needs to be done to help heal the whole person.

When someone is injured they suffer physical injury and emotional trauma, she said.

Some people are quicker to heal because they’re ready, Crowe said. Others take longer.

When someone suffers trauma, Crowe believes part of that person’s soul is disassociated, leaving that person open for disease.

Becky Robichaud of Rumford arrived for a soul-retrieval session. Robichaud said she suffered severe asthma up until about eight weeks ago when she went through a soul-retrieval session with Crowe.

Robichaud said she has been feeling healthier and more energetic and doesn’t need her asthma medicine anymore.

The combination of Crowe’s healing session and the Reiki techniques Crowe taught her, have given her the power to heal herself, Robichaud said.

Soul retrieval has been known as a cure for immune diseases, emptiness and depression, Crowe said.

“Everything is about energy,” Crowe said. “You don’t have to believe in any of these things … It’s a pretty far out there type of healing, but it works.”

Robichaud made herself comfortable on the table.

Crowe covered her with a woven blanket. She then lit some sage to clear the energy field.

Crowe picked up a rattle and started shaking it in rhythmic motions as she moved around the room. She called upon the spirits of the earth as she journeyed in mind through Robichaud’s life.

In the end, Crowe told her she had seen her at ages 2 and 16, and last year. She described things that happened those years that caused trauma.

Crowe said she returned those soul essences to Robichaud Tuesday. In the coming weeks, Crowe told Robichaud she should experience more sensuality, more energy to have fun and more strength.

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