I got a real kick out of Peter Clifford’s diatribe about liberals (Nov. 1). He ends by observing that liberals can’t compete. He’s correct.

Liberals can’t complete with Fox or Rush Limbaugh. Liberals can’t compete because we stick to the truth, we consider what we say and, because we are liberal, we consider other views before deciding upon a position. As liberals, we don’t pander to human weaknesses like racism, sexism and bigotry. Our greatest weakness is that we try to be open-minded and we seek the truth.

If you only want to believe what you “think” to be true without analysis, if you have preconceived notions about political and social issues that you will not reconsider, and if you believe Rush Limbaugh, George W. Bush and the news on Fox, you, too, can be a conservative Republican.

If you don’t understand that every newscast, every writer and every individual has a point of view and that point of view colors their idea of what is the “truth,” you can be a conservative Republican.

Judson Duncan, Monmouth

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