I would like to respond to Herbert London’s article on growing anti-Semitism in Europe, in which he expressed surprise that Europeans are troubled by Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza and view Israel as a threat to world peace (Nov. 16).

The spilling of any human blood, be it in a synagogue in Istanbul, on a bus is Jerusalem, at a checkpoint in the West Bank or on a street in Gaza is deplorable. Anti-Semitism should be condemned as strongly as anti-Muslim or anti-Arab sentiment.

Terrorism is wrong, but so is ongoing oppression. The issue that may be upsetting Europeans is the continuing annexation of Palestinian land by Israel and the unwillingness of the current leadership to work toward a just political solution to the conflict. This troubles many Israelis as well.

Shrill, emotional cries about the deaths of children in Israel do not further the debate when Palestinian children are also being killed. What is needed are saner minds on both sides to prevail and for a fair, negotiated settlement to emerge.

Diana Cundy, Paris

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