Maine, ranked as one of the highest taxed states in the nation and one of the lowest in total family income, lost an opportunity to vastly improve its standings by turning down the casino referendum.

Taxes in Maine are obscene and turning down the huge sums of money to be generated for the state by a casino is even more obscene. The slap in the face handed Maine’s unemployed by no voters is a crime and should weigh heavy on their consciences.

No voters and their supporters claimed it was not the best deal for Maine. What a poor, feeble and thoughtless excuse to vote no. Maine is on the short end of the stick; it’s broke, it needs money badly. It will find it somewhere (spell somewhere Y-O-U).

The deal may not have been the very best, but it did serve many vital needs. It generated money, lots of money and for many years to come; it helped keep talented and hardworking people in Maine; it permitted restructuring our income and sales taxes; and it put a better face on Maine for industries seeking to relocate.

Name one, just one industry of note, that would ever consider moving to Maine knowing the horrendous taxes that await them. We had one ready to contribute $100 million a year. Voters said no. OK, who then? Would you rather guess which industries here presently will pack up and leave?

Fellow Mainers, don’t believe everything you hear and read, please think.

Larry Anctil, Livermore

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