This letter is in response to the Alabama judge who was ousted over refusing to remove the Ten Commandments monument. Actually, this is a letter to balance the removal of any godly image in public. If God is not allowed in schools and in our government buildings, then tell me why is a devil allowed on the walls of Lewiston High School?

Walking into the school to see this huge devil on the wall was totally unnerving. It wouldn’t be bad if there were balance, but there is nothing to balance this out. Images like a bible or the cross or even a picture of the Ten Commandments are not allowed, not to mention the fact that the Pledge of Allegiance’s “under God” sentiment is being attacked.

Granted, Lewiston High’s nick name is the Blue Devils, but the word “Squaw” had to be changed due to its negative meanings. Why are our kids hidden from godly images, but they are exposed to something that has such grand meaning in God’s opposite direction?

This judge got fired for standing up for something many people believe America’s beginnings were based on, so why is Lewiston High allowed to have a devil on it’s walls?

Angela McFerren, Lewiston

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