I feel bad for our young men and women who go to college for four to six years, then have to go into the military or move to other states for a good paying job.

Sen. Olympia Snowe has been working hard for years in Washington for jobs and money for this state. God sent her some help with a plan for a beautiful resort casino. In the last few years, we have lost over 17,000 jobs.

An 18-hole golf course, theaters for our talented people to perform, shops for our artists to sell their wares. We have all kinds of talented people in Maine, but they need some support. We would have had some restaurants, hotel and conventions center, two parking lots. Oh yes, we would have had a casino so people from other states would have come to spend money and enjoy all these other goodies. Well, we’ll probably get a casino without a resort, after other states get them.

For years our clubs have been trying to get slot machines to help them in all their causes in their communities. They were told it was against the law, now the horse racing gamblers are getting some. I guess there are different laws for different gangs in Maine.

It would have taken at least one year of jobs and money to build the resort.

Rose M. Blier, Lewiston

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