Those of us who care about the chemical additives in our soil, our cows, our food, and ultimately, in our children, have demanded Bovine Growth Hormone-free dairy products by putting our money where our mouths are and choosing to buy foods that are organic or BGH-free. The way we know which foods are which is by reading the labels.

Apparently, sufficient demand for BGH-free dairy products has threatened Monsanto, a major biochemical company. Rather than respond to the market, Monsanto is targeting our local dairy company with a lawsuit. This ludicrous lawsuit is designed to censor Oakhurst’s right to advertise the truth about its products.

It is interesting that Monsanto is going after a small Maine dairy, rather than the bigger companies like Ben and Jerry’s or Hood Milk Co., which both produce and advertise BGH-free dairy products.

Monsanto alleges that advertising the truth about BGH use “misleads” consumers into believing that there is a difference between milk with or without BGH. Duh!

There is sufficient scientific evidence to convince me that BGH may not be healthy for my family in the long run. In our competitive enterprise system, advertising what is good about your product is part of the deal.

Monsanto is now trying to squelch the small Maine dairy, intimidate dairy farmers into buying the questionable Bovine Growth Hormone, and restrict our right to know what’s in the food we feed our families.

Dorothy Raymond, Norway

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