BETHEL – The annual Christmas with the Masons will be held Thursday, Dec. 4, at the Dr. Moses Mason House beginning at 6 p.m. The museum will be decorated as it might have been in the early 19th century for the holidays with boughs, berries and fruit. Hot cider will be served from the hearth of the winter kitchen and holiday treats will be available. Candle light and special harp music will be part of the experience as well. There is no admission charge and everyone is welcome. At 7:30 p.m. Society Director Stanley R. Howe will show and discuss images made from early 20th century lantern slides of Bethel area scenes from a collection acquired during 2003.

Craft fair

RUMFORD – The annual Christmas in the Valley craft fair will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 6, at Mountain Valley High School. A Kid’s Corner where the children may play games, win prizes and have their photo taken with Mr. & Mrs. Frosty will be included.

New this year will be an autograph signing in the school gym from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. by the Men of the River Valley who donated their time to have their picture for a calendar. The calendars sell for $10.50 and proceeds will go toward events scheduled by the River Valley Chamber of Commerce.

A $500 four-season adventure package will be raffled at the end of the day. Raffle tickets are $3 for one or four for $10 and will be available at the Christmas in the Valley apparel table. A Chinese auction will be held, where each crafter present will donate one of their wares to be raffled. Breakfast and lunch will be available. Hot turkey sandwiches with all the fixings and apple crisp are back as all-time favorites.

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