As an individual who has been approached by more than one local high school administration to consider applying for a varsity coaching position, I must say that the Sun Journal’s five-part series, “Time Out: The Crisis in Coaching,” truly hit home. Each day the series brought to the front some excellent points about disturbing and seemingly no-win situations that currently exist in the coaching world today and, I am sure, to some degree, has always existed.

I have witnessed confrontations in my role as the parent of a high school varsity team member, as a fan and as a friend of some local coaches and a multi-sport official that have left me in disbelief.

Some of the tales that have been told would cause anyone to turn away from the coaching challenge even in light of the true rewards of the job.

My passion in life revolves around athletics, as a spectator and participant, and, as a result, I have been truly tempted to “get my feet wet” by seeking my first coaching position. Combined with the enjoyment I feel around young people, the essence of coaching absolutely provides an alluring mystique for me, even as I understand the countless hours, emotions and challenges that embody the commitment.

Yet, in the end, caution wins.

May we all step back and remember it’s about the kids. I can only hope that the Sun Journal’s series will cause many to rethink and reprogram their attitudes and behaviors.

Toni Robertson, Rumford

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