I applaud the letters to the editor on Dec. 3. Is anyone listening?

Dr. Kuck once again tried to describe the realities of the world. I fear that more and more often his arguments are falling on willfully deaf ears. Who can accept Israel’s validity under the daily barrage of propaganda from the Islamists and their apologists? On that same day, the European Union released a report admitting rising anti-Semitism. They blame it on increased Muslim immigration.

Bia Winter thought the Thanksgiving trip by President Bush was a stunt and wants a president who will fix our bad reputation. Our bad reputation is in the minds of those same European intellectuals and their American apologists. They feel emasculated because, once again, the country took action while they whined and wrung their hands. She implied that any insecurity in Iraq is due entirely to our intervention. Decades of bloody dictatorship has nothing to do with it.

I can’t answer that, but Ben Franklin can: “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

Ben said a lot of things people didn’t want to hear.

Closer to home, Rep. Shields delivered a simple message to the stone-deaf ears in Augusta: You can’t create good jobs by taxing them into existence. Well, you can, if you count only jobs in state government, which is determined to become Maine’s largest employer, if it isn’t already.

Keep those letters coming. Maybe more people will start hearing.

Mike LeBlanc, East Wilton

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