AUBURN – Water and sewerage district trustees unanimously adopted their budgets at their annual joint meeting and public hearing Tuesday night.

The 2004 Water District budget is $2,505,163, an increase of $18,242 from the 2003 budget. The Sewerage District budget was approved at $3,158,615, which is $76,054 less than this year.

Norm Lamie, superintendent of both districts, said rate increases are not likely before 2005.

Employees of the utilities will pay higher health insurance premiums for the second consecutive year.

Beginning in January, employees will pay 12.5 percent of their health insurance premiums. Currently, they pay 7.5 percent.

Sewerage District trustees approved a $20,000 expenditure from the 2003 budget for completion of the cost of the heating and air conditioning improvements at the district office on Court Street. The Water District budgeted $40,000 one year ago for one-half of the project that would cost an estimated $80,000. At that time, the Sewerage District appropriated $20,000 and stipulated that the other $20,000 would be appropriated at the end of the year.

Lamie said the district will solicit bids in January for design of the project. Completion could come in June, he said. The system dates to 1974.

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