JAY – Town Manager Ruth Marden said she can’t help but boast about the town’s employees and the safety measures they’ve been taking: Jay’s workers compensation bill reflects a savings of $20,952 this year.

Even though the bill is up slightly this year because of the increase in salaries and addition of summer recreation program, the town received three discounts on the bill, Marden told selectmen.

The town’s experience modification rate, a reflection of its accident rate, is 0.74, Marden said, which is very good since the average is 1. Last year, the town had a 0.81 rate.

This year’s decrease was reflected in a deduction of $14,191, Marden said.


Girl, 11, makes mark in jewelry

FARMINGTON – Some young artists dream of having their work for sale in a gallery some day.

Farmington’s Amanda Hall is awake and doing it.

This past fall, the 11-year-old’s intricate handmade beaded hemp necklaces were shown at the Braided Streams Gallery in downtown Farmington. Some of them sold.

Braiding jewelry started innocently for Hall at 6 when she was given a gift certificate to Liquid Sunshine, a local store that features, among other things, a vast selection of unique beads.


New fire, rescue chief on the job

The town’s first fire and rescue chief, Willie Rice Jr., is expected to begin work on a full-time basis in early January.

Selectmen hired Rice in November. Since then, he has served part-time in Poland while he finds home here.

Rice spent the last 28 years working for the Fire and EMS Department of Chesterfield County, Va.

He takes over the newly consolidated Fire and Rescue Department.

Until this June, when voters at a special town meeting merged the two groups, they had worked independently under separate chiefs.

Given the increasing administrative requirements and training rules demanded by the state, it was too much work under the old system, Town Manager Richard Chick said. The chiefs received stipends and were meant to be part-time jobs.


Companies submit trash-hauling bids


Selectmen have received two responses to their request for proposals for a new curbside trash and recycling contract.

BBI Waste Industries’ proposal is $219,000 for the first year, with adjustments for the second and third years, based on the consumer price index. Bulky waste removal would be $150 per container haul.

The other proposal came from Pine Tree Waste, the current waste hauler, which offered two options. Option 1 would be $123,518 per year. Option 2 would be a first year of $119,920; a second year of $122.619 and a third year of $125,991.

The proposals will be forwarded to the Solid Waste Committee for its review and recommendation. The final decision is expected to be made by voters at the town meeting in March.


Town voters will consider accepting three roads

On a 3-0 vote, with two members not voting, selectmen agreed to place an article on the March town meeting warrant at the request of Curtis Pass. It recommends that voters accept as town roads these three subdivision roads: Deervale Road, Cottagewoods Road, phase 1, and Turkey Ridge.


Volunteers sought for city boards, committees

The City Council is seeking volunteers to fill positions on various board and committees. There are several boards and committees in the city, such as Airport Board, Board of Assessment Review, Cable TV Advisory Board, Civil Service Commission, Ethics Advisory Committee, Investment Advisory Committee, Transit Committee, Recreation Advisory Board, Water District, Sewer District, Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, Community Development Loan Committee, Auburn Housing Authority and Community Forest Board.

Community service volunteer applications are available at the City Clerk’s Office or online at www.auburnmaine.org.

Applicants must be residents of Auburn. Completed applications should be returned to the City Clerk’s Office, 45 Spring St., Auburn.

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