NORWAY – Jane Mills felt New Year’s Day was going to be busy.

“I knew there were three possibilities,” said Mills, a certified nurse midwife at Stephens Memorial Hospital.

She was correct, as two boys and a girl became Oxford Hills’ newest residents between 10 a.m. and 4:49 p.m.

A check of the records by Allison Cyr, development assistant, showed that the hospital never has had three births on New Year’s Day since its records were computerized in 1977.

“Three births on one day is uncommon for us,” Mills said. “But for a busy hospital, it’s a slow day.”

Monica Smith and Tommy Paine of Norway had Derek Timothy Paine, the first child of the day at 10:07 a.m. Derek weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces and was 21 inches long.

“He came out crying and he’s beautiful,” Smith said. “He’s very healthy. That’s for sure.”

Frances Hazel-May Boutilier was the next New Year’s Day baby. She arrived at 12:36 p.m.

The daughter of Jim Tapley and Lisa Boutilier of Norway, Frances weighed 6 pounds, 15 ounces and was one-quarter inch shy of being 20-inches long.

Boutilier said she came to the hospital at 3:30 a.m. to give birth.

“It didn’t all fold together like I expected,” she said.

Matthew Hamel and Angela Barker’s son, Aden, completed the trio of births at 4:49 p.m. Aden was 6 pounds, 11 ounces and 19 inches long. He’s the Waterford couple’s first child.

“It wasn’t as bad as people say it is,” Barker said. “Matt helped in the delivery. It was emotional for him, and he was excited.”

Mills, who has been a midwife for 22 years and at Stephens Memorial for seven years, called it a fun day.

“It’s what midwifes do,” she said.

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